Leo were furry sad. But da luff burnin in his hart were burning holes in his sole, and one day he cwacked. He cided if he cain't haff her, no one can. One day after all da kittens were dismissed, he leabe a nice giff rapped bocks on Kitty's desk. "Oh", she declare. "Dis muss be furrom my luff, my wink, my Tom." She eggsitedly open da bocks and layin inside be a nice yummy mouse.."

"Donut eat dat mouse, Kitty! It be a twick!" say Baby Simba.

"Oh, my fafurite!" She exclaim and pop da tasty morsel in her mouf. Suddenly, she gwab her tummy!

"Oh, no! You wuz rite!" say Lady.
"She tinked it were furrom her catsome Tom", say Hellion. "But it were furrom dat eful Leo!" hissed Clyde. "Tew bad dere weren't a agent tew test dat mouse fur her, be her boddygard."

She fall to da flore. Booful Kitty were on her way to da bridge, murdered by dat efil Leo! Wif a poizoned mouse!

"Oh, no, booful Kitty! Dat not rite!" say Buster.


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